Activated carbon, which is now stored in almost every first-aid kit, began to be used in China for a very long time, they received it from bamboo. Of course, such a term as “activated carbon” was not used then, but its properties were well known.
One of the most important differences between bamboo charcoal and regular coal is porosity. Depending on the quality of bamboo coal, porosity can be 6-12 times higher. Therefore, bamboo charcoal absorbs all harmful substances faster and in a larger volume.
Bamboo charcoal also destroys bacteria and fungi and absorbs more chemical compounds than regular charcoal. Bamboo charcoal fiber is made from yarn synthesized from organic microparticles of bamboo charcoal and has unique properties. In the production of this fiber, natural bamboo is fired at a temperature of 1200 ° C and turns into coal. Coal fiber should not be confused with fiber, which is made from raw bamboo and has other properties than carbon fiber.
In order for bamboo charcoal to effectively carry out its tasks, its pore size must correspond to the substances that need to be collected (absorbed), and also have a similarity in the structure of its surface to the surface of absorbed substances.
Thanks to the porous microparticles of coal in the filament, bamboo carbon fiber has extremely high absorption and breathability, many times surpassing most known materials in these parameters. Coal also absorbs unpleasant odors and harmful substances. Bamboo charcoal fiber is hypoallergenic, has antibacterial and antifungal properties.
People began to use the property of bamboo charcoal to absorb moisture well in a variety of things. For example, a diaper with it stays dry for a long time when used. At the same time, coal in the diaper also retains the smell.
Bamboo charcoal is used for water purification, eliminates organic impurities and odors, and it is also used for the manufacture of knitwear, various shampoos, gels, pillows, washcloths, and other items that are necessary in everyday life.